Speaking & Chairing

The number of conferences that I organized in the last two decades I cannot count, but I do remember the joy of organizing a "party" with inspiring speakers and an audience in a good mood, be it about the Basel agreements (I, II or III, or all intermediate steps), about European developments, or about specific economic issues relevant to the European Union.


One of my favourite conference settings is the one of ELEC. I organized and/or hosted a few of their conferences.

ELEC is a network of European entrepreneurs of goodwill, aimed at putting timely intellectual pressure on European decision makers to further economic integration in Europe. It acts in complete independence from national or private interests, public authorities or any pressure group.

Established in 1946, ELEC was in 1948 one of the founding members of the European Movement. Its mission includes the mobilisation of its members in support of projects that embody the European common interests through the circulation of information, the organisation of debates and the publication of papers on important European themes.

